Have you ever wondered how a candle or a sparkler, while emitting light, has so many processes it undergoes from within?

Yeah! No one has any clue about it!

The same way, he was the one who worked all day, to light the spark in his life, he always worked to achieve what he wanted to. There were many obstacles in his way, like, he could not put all that he had studied on to the answer sheet, in an exam. But, did he give up? Never. He had the desire to come up. He was a fighter. He believed that his life would spark-up someday, just like the candle, and so he kept working hard..                   

It so happened that one fine day, he had the opportunity to portray his talent with the knowledge he had. And there he was, all successful in a very short span of time!

People who always despised him, were all shell-shocked when the media covered his success and his face was broadcasted across the globe.

The spark in him had rigorously turned his life over. The people whom he never knew before, were his supporters. The same ones who had despised him, now stood by his every move.

The small spark in his life had finally met the fuel and as they met, they burned bright that there was no darkness in his life anymore!


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