That was time where everyone started staring at me because that was time where the life turning exam "the 12th boards ". Which people think its the must and most important thing life ! Well ya, probably for them!! Not for me.

Yea I was the same jovial enjoying all the days without studying much , listening and hearing from people  'its high time you start thinking about future'. I had an answer for them always I know to make my future and I shall do it ! Then days past by everything was done and finally it was time the "results", though I didn't get percentile I was confident that I would get into a college or university for my further studies . Well yea I did I got into SRM university one of the top colleges and there it was time for me "the Next" has I had to move from Bangalore to Chennai.
The place which I have no clue about how it would be and the life over there. It was a place of new language new culture new people where i could learn a lot of new things in life.

Chennai is teaching me a lot of things and the way of life to be lived !
